Art as Activism: The SC State Parks Artist-in-Residence Program Georgia Walters got in her truck and left the beach at Edisto State Park. Then she noticed something running across the road, so she slammed on her brakes.
Take Action For Climate: Fixing Unbalanced Systems in the Lowcountry Inbalanced systems exacerbate the climate crisis. This list of challenges and solutions is a jumping off point to get involved with climate activism in Charleston, SC.
Climate Change Impacts in the Lowcountry: Sea Turtles Sea turtles are integral to the Lowcountry ecosystem. So, what does it really mean to #ProtectWhatYouLove?
Plenty of Climate Denial to Go Around At the most basic level, climate denial is expressed as a sort of “business as usual” apathy, the inability or unwillingness to change one’s daily patterns of material consumption and disposal.
Climate Activism is Queer: Words from LGBTQ+ Activists in the Lowcountry Sydney Bollinger spoke with queer climate activists about their experiences.
Should CofC be the leader on climate? Can the College of Charleston be a leader on climate? Read about their current intiatives and the obstacles they have toward sustainability.
Climate Action Spotlight: Weatherization Weatherizing your home is a simple action anyone can take to reduce their carbon footprint and prepare for future weather events.